The Root Cause Of Most Toothaches

A toothache is something many people experience at least once in life, but it is something that most people never want to experience again, primarily because toothache pain is horrible. The pain caused by a toothache generally does not go away on its own and can be excruciating, and it can leave you feeling miserable until you get it treated. If you are wondering what causes toothaches, you should know that most toothaches are the result of decay.

How To Stay Calm At The Dentist

Taking good care of your teeth starts with more than just brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day. In fact, according to The American Dental Association, patients should also be getting bi-annual cleanings from their dentist. If your fear of going to the dentist has kept you from getting a cleaning, then you may be putting yourself at a higher risk of oral conditions like gum disease, cavities, or tooth decay.

Bite Your Nails? Know How It Can Impact Your Teeth

One habit that's difficult to break is nail biting. No only does it cause your nails to look horrible, but it can have an impact on your oral health. Here is some information that every nail biter should know: The Impact of Nail Biting on Oral Health A common misconception about nail biting is that it does not harm the teeth, especially since nails can be so soft in comparison to hard teeth.

Getting Veneers In Your 20S? What You Should Know

For many people, their twenties are a decade where appearance is important. While you're in your twenties, your dating life and your career often take precedence. Because of this, many in this age group want to look as good as possible. Smile enhancement, whether it's through teeth whitening, braces, or other methods, is common. Dental veneers are one way that many people in their twenties change their smiles. If you are considering dental veneers in your twenties, here are a few things that you should know.

3 Tips For Your Child's First Visit To The Dentist

You probably already help your toddler brush their teeth after meals and before bed, but it's just as important to bring them to the dentist once or twice a year. If you have been putting off your child's first dentist appointment because you or your child are anxious about it, there is no reason to be afraid. Most family and pediatric dentists are very skilled at putting small children at ease before and during their appointments.